
Book Reviews

Alicia goes on vacation with her god-mother, and suddenly, she feels so tired and falls asleep. Something spectacular happens to her that changes her life forever! Discover the awe and mystery of how Alicia becomes a Superhero. How can we all plant seeds of faith, hope, and love for others? No matter what situation or circumstance we may find ourselves in, there is always a “silver lining in every dark cloud,’’ Children and adults must take every real-life opportunity to appreciate, love, respect, and be grateful to those who help them in times of trouble.

“The Most Beautiful City” is one of Walter Blair’s books, written to inspire home, freedom, prosperity, and happiness in each of his devoted readers. Walter Blair is an elementary and secondary bilingual Spanish teacher who has always had the compassion to write books about extreme circumstances. To benefit his readers, especially those looking for emotional and mental encouragement, he based his works on his teaching experiences.

The best principles from his personal life are reflected in his works. They were intended for people who have not determined what they want from life. Prepare to embark on your voyage because Walter Blair’s story will engage your imagination to the utmost extent!