thank you

I dedicate this book to an unknown stranger, who I met during my summer vacation in a Walmart store. In retrospect, I was with my granddaughter, Anaiyah, and we were having such a good time shopping.
I played a game called memory with her, while we were shopping for food and snacks.
Finally, it was to check-out at the register, and all of the sudden a man approached me with a gift to give to Anaiyah.
It was a beautiful Mickey-Mouse creative play-do set, which cost about $25.00. At first, I was hesitant to accept it, but he was crying profusely, while encouraging me to accept it as a free gift.
In the moment of empathy and compassion for the unknown stranger who refused to give me his name, I immediately asked him, Why are you giving me this gift?’’
He replied with sobering tears that “ I saw your kindness and the close relationship that you were having with your daughter, or granddaughter.’’ I guess most importantly, he shared something very dear and personal to him.
It was awfully difficult for him to utter the words of such- much hurt, pain, and sorrow, as he got closer to me to tell me that his daughter had passed away.
In my mind the very essence of time stood still as somehow wanting to grieve, pray, and console him. I tried desperately to get him to tell the name of his daughter and what eventually had happened to her.
But to no avail, he couldn’t tell me anything. It seemed to me as though we were frozen in time, because the store workers did not move nor talk. The more that I was determined to ask him questions, the more he would sob and cry.
The unknown stranger somehow had dissappeared as quickly as he had come on the scene.
In my trepidation, I had never in my life experienced such an unusual encounter from an unknown stranger who desired in his heart to give me a free gift which I gave to my granddaughter.
I pondered two thoughts: Could I have entertained an angel unaware, or was God sending someone to bless and encourage me to always do something to make the world better and more beautiful?
Children’s books hold a special place in literature and our hearts. They have the remarkable power to spark a lifelong…
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